NCFE Invigilation Process

Thank you for agreeing to invigilate our learner’s functional skills exam. Please find information below that will help support you though the invigilation process. This will take around 30-40 minutes to review and understand.

This page includes specific examination requirements that relates to NCFE. Please watch the NCFE video below and, once reviewed and understood, complete the invigilation guidance and declaration (see ‘Download the Zip Folder’ below).

In your pack you will also find a variety of posters which need to be displayed throughout the examination location.
Contents Include:

1 – NCFE Invigilation Video
2 – Invigilation Guidance and Declaration. The declaration is at the botton of the document.
3 – Various posters that will need to be reviewed and displayed within the examination room.

Once the declaration has been completed, please return the document to the following email address:

Also, please add the email address of the coach – this will allow the coach to now book the examination with the learner.
If you (as the nominated invigilator) have any questions, please email with your queries.
Once again, thank you for agreeing to invigilate and we look forward to receiving the completed declaration as soon as possible.

Download the Zip folder that contains the posters and guidance/declaration document.