Degree Apprenticeships launch at Culina Group

B-Skill launch MBA Degree Apprenticeship at Culina Group

B-Skill are excited to start a new partnership with Arden University to deliver our first cohort of Degree Apprenticeships at Culina Group.

B-Skill have been the training provider for Culina Group since the introduction of the Levy in 2017 and have continued to build on the RISE programme that is offered to all employees to develop their skills and enhance their contribution to Culina Group’s workforce.

Arden University is a forward-thinking higher education establishment who have embraced technology to provide students with modern learning techniques. B-Skill are delighted to be working with Arden University to deliver Degree Apprenticeships through a blended-learning approach that combines traditional on-campus learning with remote delivery.

Together we will be delivering a Level 7 Leadership & Management MBA to kick start our partnership and continue to build on the success of Culina Group RISE Programme.

Meet our Degree’ers!

Andrew, Dan and Matthew are current Managers within Culina Group, looking to enhance their personal development by obtaining a Master’s Degree whilst remaining within the workforce.

Andrew is currently Regional Operations Manager for IPS; Matthew is Regional General Manager for IPS and Dan works as Area Transport Manager (North) for Great Bear. We spoke to Andrew to hear why he decided to take on a degree:

I decided to pursue the MBA to enhance my ability as a Senior Leader and gain the academic recognition to support what I have achieved in my management career. I’m looking forward to what it brings!

Regional Operations Manager, IPS

B-Skill are looking forward to seeing our first batch of learners progress through their MBA and wish them luck on their impressive career journey.
  • Suite A15 Milburn House Dean Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1LE

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